Sat Nam!
Welcome to Sikh Dharma of Colorado.
“Ek ong kaar, sat naam, karataa purakh, nirbho, nirvair, akaal moorat, ajoonee, saibhang, gur prasaad. Jap! Aad such, jugaad such, hai bhee such, Naanak hosee bhee such.”
Translation: “The Creator of all is One. Truth is His name. He is the doer of everything. He is fearless, without anger, undying, unborn, and self-illumined. This is revealed through the true Guru’s grace. Meditate! True in the beginning. True through all the ages. True even now. Oh Nanak He shall ever be True!”
To use the Mul Mantra as a personal meditation to deepen our connection with the Divine and expand beyond our limited self-concepts, try using this translation:
“I am one with my Creator, my essence is Truth. I am in harmony with the Doer. I am fearless and without anger. My soul is undying, unborn and self-illume. I am blessed with the grace of the Guru to have a deep realization of these truths. I meditate. My divine essence was true in the beginning, true through the ages, true now, and shall ever be true.”
You may be familiar with the “Mul Mantra” from yoga class or from reading the Sikh sacred text. Did you know that it was written by Guru Nanak, the first of the Sikh Gurus? He was a revolutionary determined to upend meaningless ritualism, and was a renowned spiritual innovator. To read some stories about Guru Nanak, click here.